What Would I Eat if I had Diabetes? – Try Dr.Berg’s Diet For Diabetes
Here's what I would eat if I had diabetes to help restore my health.
0:00 Insulin and diabetes
1:33 What to eat for diabetes
3:07 What to eat for weight loss
4:00 Different problems with sugar
5:39 The guidelines for carbohydrates
Today we're going to talk about sugar and diabetes, and what I would eat if I had diabetes. Diabetes and other blood sugar related problems are among the most common health problems I see.
Sugar increases insulin, which lowers the sugar in the blood and puts it in storage as fat. Carbs and sugar or carbs mixed with protein raise insulin, but fat does not raise insulin.
We do not need carbohydrates. A healthy diet should consist of fats and a moderate amount of proteins. A diabetic diet should have high quantities of fat. Sugar stimulates hunger, and you crave more food. 40 % of all heart diseases are related to excess sugar. Keeping your blood sugar levels in control is a primary objective for a healthy body.
What I would eat if I had diabetes:
• Low carbs
• Moderate protein
• High fats
The current recommendations for carbohydrates based on the American Diabetes Association are 45-60 grams of carbohydrates per day.
I believe blood sugar problems can be improved if the right foods are eaten, but overall sugars and carbs must be reduced. Fats can be increased.
Correction: at 0:26 - I mentioned that the "High sugar diet or high carbohydrate diets are really high-fat diets" The correction is that high sugar diets and high carb diets are producing high amounts of fat. They are not high-fat diets.
Dr. Eric Berg DC Bio:
Dr. Berg, age 57, is a chiropractor who specializes in Healthy Ketosis & Intermittent Fasting. He is the author of the best-selling book The Healthy Keto Plan, and is the Director of Dr. Berg Nutritionals. He no longer practices, but focuses on health education through social media.
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Dr. Eric Berg received his Doctor of Chiropractic degree from Palmer College of Chiropractic in 1988. His use of “doctor” or “Dr.” in relation to himself solely refers to that degree. Dr. Berg is a licensed chiropractor in Virginia, California, and Louisiana, but he no longer practices chiropractic in any state and does not see patients so he can focus on educating people as a full time activity, yet he maintains an active license. This video is for general informational purposes only. It should not be used to self-diagnose and it is not a substitute for a medical exam, cure, treatment, diagnosis, and prescription or recommendation. It does not create a doctor-patient relationship between Dr. Berg and you. You should not make any change in your health regimen or diet before first consulting a physician and obtaining a medical exam, diagnosis, and recommendation. Always seek the advice of a physician or other qualified health provider with any questions you may have regarding a medical condition.
#keto #ketodiet #weightloss #ketosis
Thanks for watching! I hope this video helps you better understand diabetes and what to eat for diabetes.
Few months ago i’d became aware about my stomach for being bloated even i do exercise. I was heavy carb eater of that time as i believed carbs help me to fuel up my body to do all my daily activities. I do research to found a solution for my bloated stomach until i landed on your channel. After watching i start fasting and almost cut my carbohydrate into my diet. My main diet was fresh caught fish, eggs, meat and a little to none rice. I stay away from sugary food, drinks and even snacks. For just a month i feel the changes, it start to lessen the bloating of my stomach, decrease weight and gain more muscle mass and tone to my body. Thank you so much for your videos, i am so grateful that i found your channel. it really helps me a lot.
Your changing the world, Doc. Nine weeks later, 25lbs lost and able to walk for 30 minutes non-stop without pain in my joints you’ve changed mine!
That’s wonderful! Thank you for sharing your wins! Could you tell us more about it and would you be willing to submit it here, so that we can share it? Please use this link:
@Dr. Eric Berg DC I will Doc! When I’ve lost another 100 lbs! I got a special video project I’m working on just for our community, but I need a coupla more months. It’s okay, I use to be in the film industry (sorta). You’re gonna love what I’m putting together! But I don’t want to be like those biggest loser losers. I’m gonna blow your mind!
P.S. I’ve lost another six pounds since the first post two weeks ago. This is the easiest way to lose weight ever! I’m making you and the Mrs’ fried chicken recipe tomorrow! Just got thru soaking the chicken in the buttermilk brine! I’ll let you know how it turns out!
UPDATE: my version didn’t turn out well, but I think it’s my culinary skills, not you and Mrs’ recipes.
UPDATE: 21 weeks into it and I’m down 56lbs! This works!
Dear@Dr. Eric Berg DC have LADA diabetic give me some advices how to control yet. I am using on 50 carbs at morning and 50 at n8. I am also using protein and dairy creams and salad. Some time I face hyperglycemia and some time hypoglycemia. Thanks in advance
Thank you Dr. Berg, I am hoping to reverse my diabetes with the help of you and others on youtube. Your channel is most likely going to save my life. What a world we live in, where social media trumps a trip to the local physician.
👍AMAZING INFORMATION! The doctors did this exact “CRAP” to my mom! I always said she was NOT a diabetic…she needed to see what was causing her insulin to rise. What foods? She ate very little yet some foods may have had the hidden sugars. She tried and the doctors would depress her and give her more meds.
😔Sadly…My sweet mom is with JESUS now. I wish we could have learned what was happening. You explain it so well. I kept telling those doctors she did not need all those meds…meds destroyed her organs!
Thank you Dr. I have been type 2 diabetic for 23 years and just now learning to get rid of carbs. We have been lied to all these years.
This is one of the bravest videos I’ve seen to date. There are many kinds of heroes in the world, and you’re one of them, Dr. Berg!
@Moose Stubbings Totally agreed!!!
I am a big fan of him!!!!
@Moose Stubbings from being “suicided”….I started hearing about all these alternative health practitioner deaths nearly a decade ago….mostly back east as I recall. My 12 yr. old just got diagnosed with Type 1. Ugh. Researching what will help him. The hospital said you can just keep eating the same foods, you don’t have to change your diet. Unbelievable!
what risk does he face? no bravery where there’s no risk
Much respect to this guy. He’s dead-on about these doctors. My father did exactly what those docs told him and he’s not here today because of it. This guy is literally saving lives from diabetes and heart disease.
Thank you so much for your work! As someone who has watched both her mother and grandfather deteriorate and eventually die from heart disease and diabetes and watch her grandmother waste away from Alzheimer’s your videos are my saving grace. Watching at least one of your videos everyday keeps me motivated to make the changes that will save my life. I never though I’d be motivated enough to attempt IF, but here I am at week 2 of 19:5 and feeling amazing! Thank you Dr. Berg! Please never stop teaching!
Call it what it is Dr. Berg, *Diabetes is a business* I lost 12lbs in 2 weeks on Keto and going strong, I want to reverse diabetes, and getting of metformin! Thank you for being honest, and teaching us🌹
Lady Lilo are you doing the keto along with taking metformin? Please advice
What u eat??
It works I’ve been recently diagnosed with type 2 after dkaing and going to ear they told me I had it so I went Keto and I lost 130 pounds in 6 months i went from needing insulin to being on ozempic super low dosage 0.25 when I was supposed to go to 0.5 my sugar stays in 80s-90s pre meal and post meal if I am active I reach 70s don’t let them talk you down fight and work for it as long as you are not type 1 you can fight diabetes
I am 30 and I have been a diabetic type 1 for years. I was taking 30 units of insulin in each meal and my sugar was always out of control. I started this eating plan and now I am down to 10-15 units per meal and my sugar is always 80-120. I don’t have highs and I don’t have lows. I love how he explains how the body works because it makes sense and now I know why I am doing this. Thanks Dr. Berg!!!
U ever get ur potassium checked? I keep seeing potassium as a connection to insulin and diabetes.
How are you doing year in? Just really interested to know. Want to change how i eat but prefer to hear from someone who is going through it personally. I am type 1 too
@Mike McGrath what do you mean check potassium, im getting 2,000 mg of potassium a day now from a Banana, pistachios, orange juice, and a potassium capsule, is that good or bad, im type 2 with 5.9 sugar.
This guy is pure gold! Absolutely amazing, please keep posting videos! you deserve 1 billion subscribers
@Roby , im just saying meat has so many stuff in its fibers. Hormones viruses anti biotics. Most of our meats come from foreighn countries. Bro you eat meat, fine. But dont suggest or tell people meat is harmless. Animal products are harmful and carcinogen. Fruits and vegetables get stuck between ny teeth also, but with fruits and vegetables, they dissolve in short time. How is sugar gonna stay in between my teeth, so long as to decay my teeth. Meat will stay stuck between your teeth for months and when you scoop it out by flossibg it smells like a dead cadiver.
@Moshiac Sun It’s an endless debate which I have already had dozens of times..sorry but I won’t start again
He doesn’t deserve a billion. Maximum 50 million, maybe .
7 billion
Thank you Dr. Berg, your advice changes lives. I was diagnosed with diabetes in August of 2018 with an A1C of 14.1, the Dr said that was the highest she had seen. I was put on metformin with no conversation about my diet or anything else as a recommendation. I was determined to find a way to address this without medication. I found your channel and started using your recommendation. In November I was down to 7.1 and this month(February) am measured as 5.1. There is so much confusion about diabetes and proper treatment and I am very grateful that I found your channel, thank you for all you do.
This is an old post but I sure would like to hear what your diet has become.
What foods are you eating
@Awilda Garcia read the book ‘ The lies my Doctor told me ‘ by Dr. Ken Berry!!!
@Min Da ha ha, when I was diagnosed my level was 16. In 3 months I went down to 8.2. Then 6.9 with no conversation from my doctor’s about what to eat, just take these pills and inject twice a day. Not so!
Amazing story… so glad you’ve changed your eating habits.
I’m terrified of ever being diagnosed with pre-diabetes or any level of it. I’m watching my brother-in-law suffer thru all his ailments, all triggered thru his diabetes diagnosis. It’s heart-wrenching. He’s 83 …
The amount of diabetics or pre diabetics that still eat high amount of carbs is unbelievable..Dr. Berg really is telling us facts that is life changing for soo many people🔥🔥
I eat a small piece of cake or pie six times a year. I use no sugar ketchup. I can’t digest too much vegetables because I get bound up for weeks and can’t lose weight. I get stomach Aches. When I was in my later teens and twenties I had to take X-Lax once a week to be able to go. Is that what I should do now?
@Nick Bardan knowledge is for everyone!!
@Michele Dietrick vegetables are full of fibre, which are supposed to help you keep your intestines in good health. Try drinking a glass or two of warm water in the evening before going to bed. This should soften your stools next morning.
@vilma moro I drink two glasses of warmish water at bedtime and it doesn’t help. I have had digestion issues since I was a teenager. I have been diagnosed with IBS-C since then. When I was a teenager and through my 20s I had to take ExLax at least once a week to go because I was eating a lot of salads and greens to keep thin. I’ve tried so much and nothing helps. Sunny Anderson on TV has the same problem. Certain Diseases cause problems like this and also if you have a lot of adhesions that can cause or add to it. Soluble fiber helps you to go not so much insoluble fiber. That’s why psyllium is recomended. That slightly works for me. If you take too much psyllium without drinking enough water you will create a blockage and might need surgery. I worked in hospitals and saw this occurrence.
@Michele Dietrick have you also checked for Celiac Disease?? IBS is very bad and painful too, sorry about that. But maybe you need to do a gluten free diet. Or have you tried Magnesium for your bowel problem?
Dr Berg, my brother is a diabetic. I doubt he lives five mor years . And he’s only 60!I am going to beg him to watch this outstanding video. I’ve been eating keto for a year. Best thing I did for my health! I’ve been trying to get my brother on keto , but he says his Dr says he needs to follow the set guide lines. I was thrilled when you said it was killing people. Exactly what I told my brother!!! Thank you for your honesty!!!!
@Anthony Carlucci carbs are NOT necessary for a diabetic… Did you not listen to what Dr Berg said on this video? I am doing great on a carnivore diet. I hope to graduate to Keto once I have gotten my bs under control but if not I will continue carnivore.
I wish your brother listens to you and this doctor here
My mother died at 63. Kidneys and heart were damaged from insulin and they did3work right any more. Eyes, brain were damaged too. I could have saved her if i started in time and also if she moved in with me and my family and leace my father alone – not possible.
@SavageNative95 my grandmother has had diabetes for over 30 years. She is 90 plus now.
You absolutely hit the nail on the head. Follower for life. Age 75, eat low carb, excercise, and still working full time. Split wood on the weekends. We went low carb nearly 10 years ago, and I was told by everyone what a bad idea it was. The proof is in the pudding (or lack thereof)
Haha nice comment! Take care, sir!
@Ramnique Singh a
Thank you Dr Berg. My brother is a doctor and he never explained any of this! I’ve researched your explanations and you are 100% correct. Really appreciate your excellent and informative videos. I truly hope millions of people learn from you and change their lives
You’re basically talking about the KETO-diet. No carbs (at all) and as much fat as you need (or can handle). I started this diet when I was diagnosed with T2 diabetes 20 years ago. I lost 40 kg of weight in 2 years time. Since 4 years no need for insuline and methformine anymore. Great video and explanation!
I’ve lost 30 pounds in four months following Dr.Berg! Thank you Dr. Berg you changed my life
Wow that’s amazing! What were the main things you did to lose the weight?
You change your OWN life , nothing to Do with Anyone!!
@Jason Chayer yes but Dr Eric kinda help tho
Well said, well done Dr Berg. I’ve followed your advice, and I’ve lost 69 LBS. I went from 301 to 232 as of today. My goal is 200 LBS.
Way to go!
Congrats! We all need to be good stewards of this body that God has entrusted to us. Obesity and poor nutrition/fitness, is the true pandemic.
I absolutely love you Dr. Berg! Thank you for all that you do to help heal the willing! ❤️
How to have 5000 subscribers and no videos in your channel
This guy know nothing, please don’t listen to a word he says.
@Darin Mohr why
@Reda Gaming This guy’s assessment of how the body processes carbohydrates is incredibly dangerous. I might cut him some slack if he was just talking about refined carbs like table sugar and white flour, but to state generally that carbohydrates metabolize straight to fat is just rediculous. The healthiest foods we can eat are carbohydrate based foods.
Catie and the Bo Peeps l