Anti-Aging Hacks for a Youthful Appearance with Dr. Berg
Here’s how to really look 10 years younger. Find out the secret. In this video, we’re going to talk about how to look 10 years younger. Our skin is made out of saturated fats, and in order to achieve youthful and younger-looking skin, you need to consume more saturated fats and cholesterol. Purpose of Saturated Fats and Cholesterol • 50% of cell membranes are made of cholesterol. • It helps to produce more bile to help digest the fats you consume and extract fat-soluble vitamins out of that fat. • The cholesterol is needed to make hormones. Vitamin A is the most important anti-aging fat-soluble vitamin for the skin, and it also triggers the production of collagen. The different layers of the skin (epidermis and dermis) are controlled by vitamin A. Vitamin A Deficiency Symptoms: • Dry Skin • Scaly Skin • Cornification • Rough Skin • Acne Best Sources of Vitamin A: • Leafy Greens • B-Carotene • Egg Yolk (Pasture-raised, organic) • Virgin Cod Liver Oil • Butter • Salmon / Fish • Goat Cheese Vitamin E is also very important for the skin. It helps protect the skin against aging, sunburn, oxidizing, prevents wrinkles and scarring, and supports the pituitary hormones. Best Sources of Vitamin E: • Palm Oil • Leafy Greens • Wheat Germ Oil • Nuts / Seeds • Olive Oil Things to AVOID to Help Prevent Aging: • AGEs or Advanced Glycation End Products • Smoking • Stress (cortisol) • Sugar / Refined Carbohydrates Talk to a Product Advisor to find the best product for you! Call 1-540-299-1556 with your questions about Dr. Berg's products. Product Advisors are available Monday through Friday 8am-6pm and Saturday 9am-5pm EST. * At this time, we no longer offer Keto Consulting and our Product Advisors will only be advising on which product is best for you and advise on how to take them. Talk to a Product Advisor to find the best product for you! Call 1-540-299-1556 with your questions about Dr. Berg's products. Product Advisors are available Monday through Friday 8am-6pm and Saturday 9am-5pm EST. * At this time, we no longer offer Keto Consulting and our Product Advisors will only be advising on which product is best for you and advise on how to take them.
I absolutely love Dr. Berg’s informational videos. To the point, very detailed and most importantly, research-based. No marketing. Very valuable information.
I’ve been looking 10 to 15 years younger all along my life, people keep asking me what’s my secret. I think it’s mostly genetic luck (my sister has that same luck) but I think I’ve helped a little by moisturizing my face every morning since I’m 18, avoiding stress amap, eating mediterranean food (I live in Nîmes), exercising, not smoking, little drinking (red wine mostly), avoiding sun, taking care of my hair …and of course keep young in my head.
That was me to until my 60’s but wham it changed radically quickly
You wear sunscreen daily too?
@Celia Medina Well kinda, my day cream has light sunscreen in it.
Thanks for sharing
Sunscreen will give you cancer , good luck with that
Yes! What you eat and what you don’t eat plays a huge part in how you look. My food intake is 75% vegetables. And yes many veggies contain protein. I consume lots of fish too. I do eat a least one egg a day with the yolk. And lots of water. Little or no alcohol. And no white sugar. Strength training actually help too! Smoking, all forms including weed ages you. No sun. Those are my tips. A woman of almost 70 who looks 50.
AWESOME! I feel younger just reading your comment. You go 70 yr old!
I’m so glad I found Dr Berg at 22. My mom aged very very poorly but she ate an ultra-processed standard american diet all her life and was always a very stressed person. So I’m hoping that if I can start using this information now then hopefully I can age a lot better.
You’re on the right path!
Summary how to stay young looking
-Deep sleep
-Trigger autophagy by exercising and fasting
-don’t trigger glycation which happens after eating carbs and sugar
– get enough protein for skin and muscles
– get enough vegetables to balance hormones and get magnesium and potassium for bones
– drink filtered clean water not bottled microplastic water
I was searching for the summary of video in comments, thank you.
I have been doing healthy keto since January 1st, and I am literally watching this video, doing my makeup and noticing that the crows feet around my eyes are almost completely gone!!! 😱 my hair has tremendously slowed at turning grey!! Oh and I’ve lost 24 lbs and gained lots of muscle 😃
That’s fantastic! Congratulations! Dr. Berg would love to hear about your success with Keto! Please use this link to upload your story:
Dr. Berg’s Support Team.
@Dr. Eric Berg DC hello doctor can you please recommend me a good facial cleanser and cream? Thanks in advance
Truly can’t thank you enough Dr Berg, I mean that with all entirety of the word. I’ve been through the absolute ringer with my health for the last 7 years, suffering from multiple conditions which have all correlated to stress, poor dieting, and constant misinformation feed to me by so called specialists. You’re a paragon of sincerity, and the world genuinely needs more practitioners like you. You’ve vastly improved not only my health, but also my Dads and I owe you the world for doing so!!
So true! For one year I have been taking avocadooil, virgin cold pressed cod liver oil, Liquid B-complex and eating alot of red bellpeppers and carrots. Reverced pcos, became pregnant naturally and now have a 2 month old boy. Also absolutly no acne, thick hair and nails!! 😁
Do you eat your red bell peppers raw
Hi where did you have your virgin cod liver oil. I hope you can see this ,to reply .thank you.
@what Yes 🙂
Looove your YouTube channel!
I’ve now cut out starch and sugar, and doing intermittent fasting: losing weight was SO difficult (I’m nearly 62), but I’m losing weight easily now, and feeling so much better. Thanks a TON!
And get away from toxic working environment, that don’t serve you
I have always been told I look at least 20 years younger to the point people don’t even believe my real age. My doctor always tells me I have the most beautiful skin she has ever seen! It just so happens that my fave foods are those.
I LOVE eggs, spinach, kale, and salmon!!
Thanks for the info 😊
You’re my role model.
Lovely 😍
That’s all I eat my skin is just 1000s of acne and scars
I wish I could afford salmon
Start disconnecting from the narcisst in your life and then get enough sleep, watch comedy, be in love with life again and then of course avoid regular sugar and drink lots of water with your vitamins especially collagen supplement! 😊
Great advice, I need to 100% put into practice
@Healing andHappy oh and don’t forget to wear your sunblock! 👍😊
The body cannot absorb collagen. Its has to make collagen itself from vitamins.
@janny x hydrolyzed collagen can be broken by digestive process and then absorbed. It’s those products that’s unable to get absorbed in the skin because the molecules are too large.
Agreed with you….
He said not to take protein with fat……
So when I take collagen powder ( protein) with coconut cream & mct oil in my coffee ( bullet proof coffee) this is aging?????
I have been following Dr bergs advice. Just the other week I had two friends tell me I am looking really good. Each comment was in a separate instance just days apart. I’m 43 and feeling almost as energetic as I did in my late twenties.
Quality sleep is one of the most important too
Agree ✔️✔️
What’s that ??
For MOST people, yes. I’ve had chronic insomnia and the stress that comes along with it, my entire life and I am 67. People consistently think i am 20 years younger and I wear no makeup, have natural color hair. I attribute it to Gene’s, yes, but my younger relatives all look older than me. I have oily skin but have always used a good moisturizer, Vit E or something equivilent, nothing expensive. Even in the 70s when eggs got a bad rap , I ate 2 each morning. But I ate terribly as a child and have had periods of terrible eating as an adult. I attribute my youthful looks to not having had children. At my 20th class reunion, one of my classmates thought I was one of the kids….🤫
Dear doctor, you’re the best friend of mine that I will probably never meet! Thank you for sharing freely and loving your knowledge🙏🏾
Met him at a keto conference in Wasington. He is a wonderful person. Was always there to meet people and chat for a few minutes. Great information too!
Just how a doctor should be. Precise. To the point. Good explanation and no clickbait. Dr.Berg is the best 🙏🎉
The best way to look 10 years younger is to surround yourself with people who look at least 10 years older. It always work.
😂now that’s cutting edge thinking!
I found stress is the ultimate evil, roots for all kinds of problems
yes, and it also has a terrible effect on character and personality.
Straight out of the womb
Yep 👍. Its the worst stuff that can happen.
actually, all kind of problems are root of stress
Love how doctor berg’s straight forward vids. No long intros and ads, just pure passion.
Wont tell anyone 😜
He is so true!!!
I never met someone who goes straight to the point literally, like he doesn’t sugar coat nothing. Just the blatant truth. You get it just as it is. No counterfeit.
I love him for that reason
Plus he looks so pure too.🥰
Day 1 without sugar! I fasted 20 hours and had a salmon salad and lemon water.
So how did it go this past year with the diet?
@Eric Carve I have lost 30 pounds. I fell off the wagon a few times but this fall I got serious and added regular exercise. I have 15 pounds more I would like to lose. 🙂
@Honestly Me perfect, under a pound a week. A few pounds left for your 2021 goal. Wishing you a happy new year.
Congrats! Stay healthy!
What do u drink for extended fasts? electrolytes?