THIS is the Most Powerful ADAPTOGEN in The World – How it Works and Why it’s THE BEST

Find out why this is the most powerful adaptogen in the world and how it can help you with stress. Dr. Berg’s Ashwagandha with Black Pepper Here: 🛒 OR DATA: 0:00 Introduction: What are adaptogens? 0:48 The most powerful adaptogen in the world 1:28 How ashwagandha works 3:07 Cortisol explained 7:07 Ashwagandha benefits 8:58 Check out this important video on stress! Today, we’re going to talk about the most powerful adaptogen in the world: ashwagandha. An adaptogen is something that helps you cope with stress and helps your body adjust to its environment. Ashwagandha has a lot of benefits, but we’re going to focus on how it can help you adapt to stress. Ashwagandha has helped many people feel calmer and like they can cope with stress easier. Ashwagandha helps control the HPA axis, which is the communication between your hypothalamus, pituitary, and adrenals. These hormonal communications help the body adapt to a stress response. Once the communication is complete, the hormone is supposed to lower back down, but with chronic stress, cortisol never goes back down and is chronically elevated. Ashwagandha can help reduce these hormones. Cortisol isn’t a bad thing. It doesn’t cause stress—it’s adapting your body to a stress state. But, it’s not healthy to have your body in a state of chronic stress and chronically elevated cortisol. Potential benefits of ashwagandha: • It helps lower cortisol in the AM • It helps lower DHEA (a precursor to cortisol) in the AM • It helps raise testosterone (stress lowers testosterone) • It helps increase endurance • It helps increase strength (stress may cause weakness) • It has shown significant improvements in emotions



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Disclaimer: Dr. Eric Berg received his Doctor of Chiropractic degree from Palmer College of Chiropractic in 1988. His use of “doctor” or “Dr.” in relation to himself solely refers to that degree. Dr. Berg is a licensed chiropractor in Virginia, California, and Louisiana, but he no longer practices chiropractic in any state and does not see patients so he can focus on educating people as a full time activity, yet he maintains an active license. This video is for general informational purposes only. It should not be used to self-diagnose and it is not a substitute for a medical exam, cure, treatment, diagnosis, and prescription or recommendation. It does not create a doctor-patient relationship between Dr. Berg and you. You should not make any change in your health regimen or diet before first consulting a physician and obtaining a medical exam, diagnosis, and recommendation. Always seek the advice of a physician or other qualified health provider with any questions you may have regarding a medical condition. #keto #ketodiet #weightloss #ketolifestyle Thanks for watching! I hope this helps you better understand ashwagandha and why it’s the most powerful adaptogen in the world. I’ll see you in the next video.


  1. It’s very important to only take this if you have elevated cortisol. It was very, very helpful to me for a period of time, but once I removed the stress from my life I had to discontinue the ashwagandha. Prolonged use will have a negative effect on the 5HT receptors and will lower cortisol too much. Both will cause sexual dysfunction and anhedonia.

  2. I took it 4 days ago, along with magnesium glycinate, and I got the first full night’s sleep I had had in over 11 months. I almost cried when I woke up and realized that I *didn’t* wake up with my thoughts racing in the middle of the night like I had been for months.

  3. Ayurveda ‘s importance is now being understood by the whole world. Power of intermittent fasting has been followed by Indians
    for centuries . Glad to hear doctor talking about Ashwagandha . 🙏🏻

  4. I got Covid in early July. It was very mild. However after I recovered I noticed I had brain fog and my anxiety and stress levels were through the roof. It was terrible. I took ashwagandha and within hours I noticed a considerable difference and by day 2 it was completely gone.

  5. When modern Drs have become so corrupt and ignorant of what real health is we have to be our own Drs and find great guys like this on YouTube for solid information. Thanks Dr. Berg!

  6. Is there anything that he doesn’t know, I doubt it? He is the most knowledgeable Doctor I have ever encountered. He deserves 10 out of 10

  7. In India we have been using Ashwagandha since ages, in root form, leaves form etc. It is the mother of all traditional medicine. If BP is high, use Ashwagandha. If stress is high use Ashwagandha. We used it without understanding the science behind it. Thank you Dr. Berg for letting us understand the science behind this plant and how it does the magic.

  8. Thank you Dr.Eric for bringing out the medicinal properties of Ashwagandha.Being an Indian, I am very happy to watch this, apart from this, we have so many medicinal plants with different healing properties.

  9. I have been using Ashwaganda for over 2 years now. It has helped me with my anxiety. I stopped having panic attacks. I will probably take it for the rest of my life. It’s better than taking those addicting meds and having side effects. Thank you Dr. Berg for sharing your knowledge and helping us get our health together holistically.

  10. I took Ashwagandha for about 2.5 years. I can honestly say that it helped me when I have been a de facto caretaker of 3 family members who had dementia. It took the edge off where I felt calm under very trying circumstance. I recently read that studies claim that it is safe to take, but that there were no known studies for long-term usage. As a result, I discontinued taking it about 2 months ago and have felt very stressed and unable to sleep at night. After seeing this video, I have decided to resume taking it again. Thanks Dr. Berg.

    • @ANY MOR I haven’t read any literature that it might benefit dementia patients. Not saying that it won’t though. There’s a ton of research on people using CBD, cannabis and 40Hz Gamma light and sound therapy though. I dug deep into that research so that I could help my mother. There’s several videos on my channel that will show those results and especially helpful information in the descriptions. Her birthday videos from the past few years are self explanatory. My channel isn’t monetized so I don’t receive anything from the views. Just trying to share my positive experience as a care provider to my mom.

    • Herbs are more in line with the body. People forget plants have DNA just like humans. The current incarnation of human is about 200,000 years old … whereas modern medicine if relatively new. Obviously, modern medicine has its place. but, if I can take something that is natural that is preferred.

  11. I will not be tired of saying is not only how you can explain complex topics with ease, but your continuos care for others is simply a gift from above🙏🏻

  12. Thank you Dr. Berg. Will you do more videos explaining the affects of other herbs using research and science? You do a great job of explaining how they work.

  13. Ashwagandha, while its found on few continents around the world, its medicinal benefits were first identified in India as a part of Ayurveda (An ancient Indian medicine practice). Unfortunately this field of medicine is still not recognised in western countries where people can really benefit from this “Preventive Medicine Field”. I hope Dr. Eric will make more videos on other medicines that are part of Ayurveda to bring more awareness.

  14. Potential benefits of ashwagandha:
    • It helps lower cortisol in the AM
    • It helps lower DHEA (a precursor to cortisol) in the AM
    • It helps raise testosterone (stress lowers testosterone)
    • It helps increase endurance
    • It helps increase strength (stress may cause weakness)
    • It has shown significant improvements in emotions

    Thank you Dr Berg!! 🐱👍🏿

    • @Sue G Z
      Ashwagandha is contraindicated in cases of hyperthyroidism often diagnosed following a high T3 hormone levels in the blood.

      This MIGHT just explain why you showed this form of hypersensitivity to Ashwagandha.

      Enyiolisa-Ehamefule from Nigeria 🇳🇬

    • ขอบคุณที่สรุปให้เราได้รู้ที่ ดร.เบิร์กท่านให้ความรู้ เราจะติดตามคุณ Fidel Castro ตลอดนะ

  15. Dr. Berg gives more useful information on healing than my current “doctor”. He is way more advanced and he explains things in such a way that even a child can comprehend. I appreciate all his videos whether the specific topic is relevant to me or not. I tend to take a mental note of the info to be able to help others, if needed. Thank you Dr. Berg.

  16. I really appreciate that the good doctor does not just stick to conventional medicines & approaches to better health. He’s open-minded & also does his own studies then unselfishly shares his findings.
    Thanks for the nth time, Dr. Berg.

  17. Very well known in India. The world is slowly discovering Ayurveda (like they did with Yoga). Way to go, India!

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