The BEST Natural Antibiotic Drink (Home Remedy Formula) – Dr Berg

The BEST Natural Antibiotic Drink - Dr Berg.

This is the best natural antibiotic drink to have on hand at the first sign of sickness. Today, I'm going to show you how to make an incredible natural remedy for colds and sickness. Antibiotics only address bacteria—they don't target yeast, parasites, viruses, fungus, or Mold. This natural antimicrobial remedy uses powerful chemicals from plants that have antibacterial, antiviral, antifungal, and antiparasitic properties to help support the immune system and fight against pathogens. Of course, this antibiotic/antimicrobial home remedy has fewer side effects than a conventional antibiotic. Your immune system is your greatest weapon against infections. All we want to do is use natural compounds to enhance the immune system's defences. Along with my home remedy, it's crucial to address things that lower your immune system, like stress. Also, keep in mind that vitamin D is essential to boost immunity and increase your immune system's ability to fight against sickness. Here's how to make the best natural antibiotic drink! Ingredients: • 15 garlic cloves • 1 whole lemon • 1 Tbsp turmeric powder • 1/4 cup grated ginger • 1/4 cup manuka honey • 1 oz olive oil (or 1 tsp coconut oil) • 3 oz apple cider vinegar • 1 cup water Directions: Add the ingredients to a blender and blend for 1 to 2 minutes. Transfer the mixture to a 16 oz mason jar and pour in additional water until the mixture is about a 1/2 inch from the top of the jar. Seal the jar and keep it in the refrigerator. The longer this formula is in the refrigerator, the more potent it will become. How to take this natural antimicrobial remedy: At the first sign of sickness, take a shot of this drink. You can then take an additional four shots of this remedy throughout the day. Always be sure to check with your doctor before using any substitute for medication. Disclaimer: Dr. Eric Berg received his Doctor of Chiropractic degree from Palmer College of Chiropractic in 1988. His use of “doctor” or “Dr.” in relation to himself solely refers to that degree. Dr. Berg is a licensed chiropractor in Virginia, California, and Louisiana, but he no longer practices chiropractic in any state and does not see patients so he can focus on educating people as a full time activity, yet he maintains an active license. This video is for general informational purposes only. It should not be used to self-diagnose and it is not a substitute for a medical exam, cure, treatment, diagnosis, and prescription or recommendation. It does not create a doctor-patient relationship between Dr. Berg and you. You should not make any change in your health regimen or diet before first consulting a physician and obtaining a medical exam, diagnosis, and recommendation. Always seek the advice of a physician or other qualified health provider with any questions you may have regarding a medical condition. #keto #ketodiet #weightloss #ketolifestyle Thanks for watching! Give this incredible natural antibiotic drink a try. I'll see you in the next video.



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  1. In India, we eat all these spices and plants daily in form of delicious food. I am so thankful for my culture .
    thank you Dr berg for emphasizing natural cure in world of synthetic resources.

    • ​@saNo they can increase water and use a natural deodorant many don’t use any. Use coconut oil mixed with lavendar essential oil and apply to clean shaven underarms.

    • @Shahzaib Raza who says that Indians don’t eat beef? In the northeastern states of India, in Kerala, in many parts of Andhra, Tamil Nadu, Ladakh, Goa etc. beef is eaten regularly. In fact, in Kerala, the Hindus are famous for their dish “beef chilly fry”. India is a huge and diverse country. Don’t go by by what social media and a few news channels depict. India is home to many identities and religions.

    • South Asia does not have any tradition of consuming apple cider vinegar and olive oil. Coconut oil is consumed mostly in Sri Lanka and India’s Kerala state (I assume refined palmolein is now more dominant in these place).

    • @SimonFranck100 yes, apple cider vinegar and olive oil is imported from Europe. But you’re wrong to say that coconut oil is used only in Kerala in India. It is used in Tamil Nadu, Karnataka, Andhra Pradesh, and even some parts of Goa. And they’re still using it, cos of the abundance of coconuts in those states, and its taste, which they’re used to

    • ❤I would love to be able to cook authentic Indian food. We need lady’s like you to teach us. Just discovered your Youtube videos thank you .

  2. This stuff worked for my abscessed tooth. It actually works. I’m amazed. Thank you Dr. Berg. Thank God for putting everything we need on this beautiful earth.

    • @M B I’ll tell you exactly what I did. My tooth was killing me on a Friday, I gargled with salt water and applied clove oil probably every 2-3 hrs throughout the night. I also ate 4-5 garlic cloves. Come Saturday morning I remembered I had that mix in my refrigerator. I took 3 tablespoons. Within an hour the pain and swelling were starting to significantly subside. I took 3 more TBLS that evening, 3 TBLS twice the following day, and 3 TBLS on the 3rd day. That was the week before Christmas and thankfully I have not had any problem with that tooth since. Zero sensitivity. Could it have been the combination of what I did? Sure. But, it was after I drank the mix that relief came. It was in my refrigerator for about 7 months, sealed, before I used it. I’d love to experiment more with it but haven’t had an opportunity, which is fine. Try it.

    • @Sandra M. D. You are awesome! Thank you SO much! I drank a small glass full yesterday and today. My tooth isn’t nearly as sensitive today. I am also doing warm salt water with ground clove in the water probably 5 times a day. I have been needing 1 ibuprophen to keep the aching down about ever 5 hours, so it is controllable. I did make a dentist appt for tomorrow morning just to see what the deal is with my tooth. I think it may just be that I made it sore with the grinding my teeth like I do and possibly the flossing, I’m not sure. I can’t seem to sit my teeth together without the bottom tooth hitting the top tooth so maybe things have changed. Not sure. They said they don’t have the time to work on it tomorrow but they will access what is wrong. Maybe if its serious they will make time. Not sure.

    • i used to put some ginger past on my tooth to ease the pain until i go to the dentist and the pain just disappears within few mints even tho non of the pain killers worked

    • ​@Sam Ederman A MAJOR concern is the infection breaking loose going directly to the heart. Take all holistic approaches with a grain of salt.

  3. I have a cold for a couple of days and very scratchy throat. Put all the ingredients in my Vitamix and had a shot. Oh my gosh it helped me right away to clear my sinus and my throat feels much much better. Thank you Dr. Berg🙏

  4. Used this for my 6 year old son who sadly caught the Strep a, fatal infection that’s going around right now from school kids, I started seeing improvements from him within only 3 hours and he’s saying to me “I feel so much better!!” Makes me happy it works😊😊 😭 Didn’t have to put him on any medication for it this is stronger. Thank you Dr eric berg you’re a life saver god bless you. He looks well better than he did a couple of hours ago. He was crying his eyes out now he is smiling. He wasn’t too sure on the taste but he knew he had to take it to get better😃. Thank you again Eric💞💞💞💞💝😥

  5. Thank you Doctor Berg!
    I made some for my daughter and myself.
    I used a quart jar so I didn’t have to worry about overflow.
    I peel the ginger with a grapefruit spoon.. it makes it so much easier.
    I added 6-8 peppercorns to enhance the rate the turmeric is absorbed in the body.

  6. Simply awesome recipe 👌…….thanks Dr Berg. We Indians love it ,as it’s part of our
    Ayurvedic culture. 🇮🇳🇮🇳

  7. Antimicrobial:
    3:12 Reduce Stress
    3:55 Vitamin D
    4:40 Garlic
    4:56 Ginger
    5:00 Turmeric (curcumin)
    5:10 Apple cider vinegar
    5:40 Lemon (with peel)
    6:00 Honey (manuka)
    6:33 Drink Recipe
    7:10 Extra virgin olive oil
    7:22 Coconut oil

  8. I tried the recipe and it tastes better than I thought! My both kids tried it for small amount and like it like sparkling water 🤣. Thank you, Dr. Berg!

  9. I made this today and followed the recipe very carefully (measurements) but the 16 oz jar to pour it in after it’s blended was too small, so I reused an 24 oz pickle jar instead. (The last bit of water added is just about a few tablespoons, approx.). Also the ginger root fibers could be strained, or just spit out while drinking. Otherwise, it’s tasty enough for being medicinal. A “shot” = 1.5 oz. = 3 Tablespoons.

    • @Dr. Eric Berg DC
      What I want to know, how much is a 1/4 cup by weight ? Is it 6oz, 9oz etc ?
      Does anyone know ?
      Also, how long does the mixture last in the fridge before it needs to be thrown away ?

    • I also made some today and found out the 16oz jar was too small. I just poured it in bigger jar and added a little more water because it looked thick to me😂.

  10. Thank you for confirming that I am doing the right thing. I have been drinking this concoction every morning for several years already but I boil the grated ginger and turmeric first. After it cools down, I add the squeezed lemons including the cut peelings, honey, ACV and a dash of pepper. It will last for more than 2 weeks in the ref. I also take a teaspoon of minced garlic preserved in honey before I drink the prepared mixture. This and doing daily early morning stretching/biking/walking keeps me healthy and active. I will be 74 years old this year without any major health issues.

  11. Omg, my husband made this drink for me last week when I had sore throat and runny nose. I thought I had allergies and I did not know I had covid. A few days ago I tested positive for covid but I am happy he made me drink it. It helps my throat tremendously. He kept telling me it is good for me. Here I thought he was crazy. Now I’m going to tell him that you were talking about the same drink that he made for me and he’s not crazy after all. Thanks, Doc!

  12. Dr. Berg, thank you so much for this wonderful recipe!!!!!! How long does this mixture live in the fridge?? Also, do you think it is good to take it say weekly just as a preventative measure? Thank you!

  13. Listen to this man! I started increasing my intake of most of these ingredients, particularly garlic for the last 2 yrs. My immune system has never been too robust. Alway have a couple of head colds each year along with a sinus infection or two. I’m a nurse and have been in contact with lots of sick patients.Lots of my colleagues have been sick but so far I have escaped! Hope I haven’t jinxed myself!. Thanksagian Dr Berg

  14. I’ve been struggling with allergies this year like never before, and my arthritis has been giving me a lot of trouble. This sounds like it’s just what I need. I’ll try it for a couple of months and report back Thanks for sharing this.

  15. The recipe looks great. I’ve already been drinking whole lemon blended with water, ice, ginger, apple cider vinegar, sea salt, extra virgin olive oil and a little bit of Stevia a few times per week. Regarding the antibiotic drink, I would follow all of your instructions (I might leave out the honey but add sea salt) and allow the mixture to ferment. I would, however, most likely use it as a dressing for my salads, vegetables and meat instead of using it as a remedy when I start feeling sick. I think that with my plan, I will never get sick.

    • @Kristann Chigro Authentic sea salt is preferable because it has more of the minerals that are healthful. Commercial salt usually has additional ingredients to prevent the salt from clumping and is often devoid of many of the additional health benefits that sea salt provides. One can get iodized commercial salt but there are great sources of iodine like seaweed (kelp) and shellfish (e.g. oysters).

      Regarding sea salt, that which is harvested from our current seas should be fine but it is likely to have small amounts of microplastics and other pollutants that one would find in today’s ocean waters. Sea salt that was trapped in ancient oceans should have much less of these pollutants. Hence, Himalayan sea salt (which actually comes from a different mountain range in Pakistan) with its characteristic pink color is very popular. There are actually ancient sea salts from all over the world. There is one brand from an ancient sea in Utah, several from South America and several from Central Asia and the Asian subcontinent. One thing to be careful about with so-called “ancient” sea salts is that some people might use lesser quality salt and dye it to the color that one would think makes it authentic. Make sure to buy ancient sea salt from reputable dealers.

    • @Edel Kinuthia Manuka honey is to one type of honey that Dr. Berg recommends. Unfortunately, it is not that easy to obtain in the States.

  16. Ingredients:
    • 15 garlic cloves
    • 1 whole lemon
    • 1 Tbsp turmeric powder
    • 1/4 cup grated ginger
    • 1/4 cup manuka honey
    • 1 oz olive oil (or 1 tsp coconut oil)
    • 3 oz apple cider vinegar
    • 1 cup water

  17. Thanks Dr Berg, It’s amazes me that almost all Indian curries that people from subcontinent eat everyday contains Ginger, Garlic, Turmeric and Lemon. In old times honey was an important part of our diet as well but not anymore.
    May be in future science will find medicinal benefits of Onion, Cumin and Coriander as well as they are included in daily Indian diet.

  18. How to take this natural antimicrobial remedy:

    • 15 garlic cloves
    • 1 whole lemon
    • 1 Tbsp turmeric powder
    • 1/4 cup grated ginger
    • 1/4 cup manuka honey
    • 1 oz olive oil (or 1 tsp coconut oil)
    • 3 oz apple cider vinegar
    • 1 cup water

    At the first sign of sickness, take a shot of this drink. You can then take an additional four shots of this remedy throughout the day.

    Add the ingredients to a blender and blend for 1 to 2 minutes. Transfer the mixture to a 16 oz mason jar and pour in additional water until the mixture is about a 1/2 inch from the top of the jar. Seal the jar and keep it in the refrigerator. The longer this formula is in the refrigerator, the more potent it will become.

    Thank you Dr Berg🐱👍🏿

    • I took a shot on an empty stomach and violently threw up. But after a long nap, 6 hours later I felt so much better! I’m going to try smaller amounts and eat first. Strep and flu at the same time.

    • Thank you for the list. It maybe important to mention that stress may come from work, relationships, etc but many people don’t think about movies, music, news and other sources that drive the sympathetic state. Drs say that we want to try to stay in the parasympathetic state for healing, digestion, etc.

  19. I always chew on garlic and drink lemon water in the morning. Ever since I started the routine, my sinus allergies dissapeared and am no longer having the morning cold or allergic sneezes. I cook with tumeric too in most dishes.

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