HYPOTHYROIDISM: Don’t Ignore These 7 Early Warning Signs

HYPOTHYROIDISM: Don’t Ignore These 7 Early Warning Signs - Dr Berg .

Learn more about the warning signs of hypothyroidism and what to do about it. Let’s talk about the warning signs of hypothyroidism and go over a few natural remedies for hypothyroidism. A big problem with taking thyroid hormones over a long time is that the thyroid will become lazy and dependent on the hormones. Instead of only masking the symptoms, it’s crucial to understand the potential root cause of hypothyroidism, so you can really do something about it. T4 is the main hormone that the thyroid makes—but it’s not the active form of the thyroid hormone. It’s the precursor to T3, which is the active form. A problem with the liver or kidneys can affect this conversion. A deficiency in selenium or zinc can also affect this conversion. There are two hormones that can not only affect the conversion but also the production of thyroid hormones—these hormones are estrogen and cortisol. 90% of hypothyroid problems are really Hashimoto’s. A permeability issue with the gut can lead to an immune problem where you develop antibodies against certain things. Gluten sensitivities, allergies, and intolerances have also been linked to hypothyroid problems—especially Hashimoto’s. Another big factor in Hashimoto’s is inflammation. If you can get rid of inflammation, I think you could see a lot of improvement. Vitamin D and selenium are important natural remedies for Hashimoto’s. 7 early warning signs of hypothyroidism: 1. Loss of the outer part of the eyebrows 2. Thinning, dry hair 3. Decreased cold tolerance 4. Slow metabolism 5. Weight gain all over 6. Feeling tired 7. Depression

What to do for hypothyroidism:

1. Determine the true cause 2. Take trace minerals (selenium, zinc, and iodine) 3. Don’t consume gluten 4. Take vitamin D (40,000 IU) and Thytrophin PMG (1 before bed over three months)  
Disclaimer: Dr. Eric Berg received his Doctor of Chiropractic degree from Palmer College of Chiropractic in 1988. His use of “doctor” or “Dr.” in relation to himself solely refers to that degree. Dr. Berg is a licensed chiropractor in Virginia, California, and Louisiana, but he no longer practices chiropractic in any state and does not see patients so he can focus on educating people as a full time activity, yet he maintains an active license. This video is for general informational purposes only. It should not be used to self-diagnose and it is not a substitute for a medical exam, cure, treatment, diagnosis, and prescription or recommendation. It does not create a doctor-patient relationship between Dr. Berg and you. You should not make any change in your health regimen or diet before first consulting a physician and obtaining a medical exam, diagnosis, and recommendation. Always seek the advice of a physician or other qualified health provider with any questions you may have regarding a medical condition. #keto #ketodiet #weightloss #ketolifestyle Thanks for watching! I hope this increases your awareness of the warning signs of hypothyroidism. I’ll see you in the next video.


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  1. I had thyroid problems at the beginning of last year and it was HEAVILY caused by stress at my job. Every time things got crazy busy, it got worse. I wish more people knew about this, especially about treating your immunity. Thank you for you videos 💙

  2. Very important stuff. I was born with hypothyroidism (congenital). I’m 42 and have been on thyroid medication since birth. What I noticed as I got older was, when the doctors were trying to stabilize my t3, t4, and tsh numbers, I would FEEL terrible. I would get all these weird symptoms. But when I ignored the numbers and just focused on ways to make me feel good (I do alot of emotional/energy healing), I would feel fantastic and those weird symptoms would go away. I realised my thyroid condition was caused by unresolved emotions (trauma/abuse) that I inherited from ancestors plus the ones from my childhood. It’s good to always get to the root cause of our ailments. There’s always an emotional origin and link to them.

  3. Thank you, Dr. Berg. I’ve had thyroid cancer twice, the first in 2007 and again in 2014. Hypothyroidism is the worst; tired and cold all the time. My biggest complaint is the weight gain. I’ve been a vegan for decades and careful about what I eat. Nothing I do gets rid of the lbs. But the good news is so far, so good with no reoccurring cancer. Thank you, again,

    • Veganism made my hypothyroidism so much worse. Once I started eating 95% animal products, I was able to reduce my thyroxine dosage by 35mcg!. I had fish twice a day and red 4 times a week and managed to lose 40lbs, I’ve suffered with thyroid issues for 20 years before that

  4. As someone who’s been dealing with Hashimotos for almost 20 years and full time trying to get alternative solutions for 7 years, this video is by far one of the best I’ve come across. Thank you dr berg for your raw authentic honest research

  5. Had no symptoms. A friend of a friend who is an endocrinologist with the experienced ‘eye’ noticed slight changes on my neck over a casual dinner invite. Tumor had been there for 8 years, ‘hiding’ and growing towards the inside. Had it removed 4 years ago. All is well now. Writing this for the sake of doing annual check ups, since the symptoms may not occur/be seen/felt, etc. Hope this helps if somebody sees the comment.

  6. Dr Berg I love your program. You go right to the subject and give us the information we need explaining it simply giving us the early warning signs, the causes, and the natural cures to lessen or stop the body from the deficiencies causing its unhealthy direction. You don’t waste our time entertaining us. I value your information and trust your conclusions. Thank you.

  7. You’re blessing not only to those patients who’re suffering but also to the doctors around the world to diagnose better.♥️

  8. I was born without a thyroid and have hypothyroidism and hashimotos. It definitely has its demons but it’s easily managed. I’m positive I have celiac disease too but haven’t been diagnosed yet. I’m starting to take zinc, selenium, and vitamin D along with B12. It definitely helps. Thanks Dr. Berg for this video. ❤️

    • I would highly recommend to take black seed oil,seamoss,burrdock root,and there are many other herbs that u could make tea out of which has all the minerals that your body needs….other herbs that I take are dandelion root,dandelion leaf,elderberrys,bladderwrack,sarsparilla …these things have changed my life

  9. “If you get the the root cause of the problem, the problem resolves.”
    Absolutely the truest words spoken.
    Thank you Dr Berg for all you do. You’ve helped so many people. 💛

  10. I have a few genetic disabilities. HOWEVER, treating with supplements and an appropriate diet has staved off the majority of problems. Thank you Dr Berg. Our bodies are meant to heal and adapt, if just given the right balance and opportunity. Sleep, diet, exercise, low-stress, laughing and smiling goes a long way toward good health.

  11. After giving birth I was diagnosed with hypothyroidism. I had all the symptoms Dr. Berg mentioned plus swelling all around and pressure around my eyes. I was put on synthroid I took it for a year almost. In that year of taking the medication it made me feel worse. I was always sleepy tired I would sleep throughout the day and I would still wake up tired. I went to Tulum last year and I forgot my medication. The week we were out there without me taking my medication felt amazing I wasn’t tired I was active I felt great so I stopped taking the medication. I went to an all natural doctor in Los Angeles, CA. She told me straight up it wasn’t my thyroid acting up she said I had a fatty liver (usually happens when your gallbladder has been removed). She had me do a colon cleanse and then detoxed my liver. I was taking choline, catsclaw, livtron and zypan. Along with that I was drinking lots of water and eating healthy. Within a month I was glowing and I had a lot of energy I felt like a brand new person. Today I’m struggling a little again but with Dr. Bergs help I will get back to it slowly but surely.

    • Ok I have a similar situation happening right now. I just had my baby last year and now I have all these issues. Fatty liver, hypothyroidism, etc and now I’m on 3 different medications and honestly I feel a little better but my gut isn’t well at all! My tummy still sticks out after I eat every time. I told my doctor this. I’m interested in trying something else to try to get my body to “fix” itself. Not necessarily “fix” but work with in itself and not rely on all of these expensive medications that can cause more harm.

  12. Male late 30s. Started getting hypothyroidism symptoms 5 years and was officially diagnosed, started off with 150 mcg synthroid, dropped a little to 137 mcg. It’s genetic for me and there’s nothing I can do about it. Appreciate the video, good luck to those who can get out of it.

  13. I have Hashimotos. For years, I would have such bad gas and stomach pains after meals that I would have to lay down. I was tested for Celiac, but was negative and diagnosed with gluten intolerance. Went on Keto 6 yrs ago, and it changed my life. For the first time in 15 yrs, I was not in pain after meals, and was finally able to lose weight. Still Keto to this day. Will never go back.

    • Did it cause fatigue as well? Do you know why Dr. Berg said to go grain free instead of gluten free an see if that works.

    • @Lori Moore yes, anytime your thyroid is in an underactive state, it will make you feel very tired. I avoid all grains, and all sugar.

    • how are your levels now? do you still need your meds or were you able to put your thyroid in remission?

  14. Watching your videos I’ve lost 25 pounds in 5 weeks. I’ve played sports my whole life and was military for 6 years. I hurt my back, gained weight (from 225 to 290)and it took 13 months to get back to some type of normalcy. In that time I was still eating 6 times a day and I started getting depressed/suicidal. Once I was able to hit the gym again I hit it as hard as I can but couldn’t drop weight (I gained more. Got up to 340). It gave me body dysmorphia. I had no gut but love handles and body was just big(defensive end offensive linemen) and not what I was accustomed to. My doctor said I had no issues but needed to lose weight so I saw a dietitian. They put me inside this egg shaped machine that give a body breakdown. Long story short I followed what they said to the letter but nothing worked. Watching your videos helped me immediately, I started a 4/20 intermittent fast along with my workouts and a protein rich keto friendly diet. I had to understand my body is different and seeing a dietitian I did listen for my own good but they did give me more of a cookie cutter experience for my body. You can’t say someone is built like a linebacker(with a high energy motor) and then give them a plan for a regular person who doesn’t work like you do. I thank you and my wife thanks you. I’m finally starting to look how I workout.

    • Thanks for sharing. As a RN, please consult your physician before starting a weight loss program especially if you are taking medications. Your doctor should suggest that you should lose no more than 3 lbs per week. Again, I would suggest that you ask a medical license professional regarding your health maintenance regimen. Blessings to all!

    • @Cuprunnethover hey in 7 weeks I’m down 32 pounds and I still consult my dietitian and primary care doctor along this journey. Within my meal window I get the protein and close to the calories I need to maintain good muscle mass while staying at a good calorie deficit. With it being a new journey I try to be as cautious and open to advice as possible. So far everything is working out smoothly.

  15. 6 years ago I discovered I had slightly elevated thyroid antibodies. The doctor said she wasn’t concerned bc she’d seen much worse. I never went back to her but I did change my diet. Cut out gluten, sugar, and dairy. It was horrible at first, felt like I was dying from the detoxing, but it was definitely worth it. I just had my antibodies tested and got the results right before I watched this video and they are completely normal in range. Praise God 🙏🏼

    • @Brittney Russell Hello mrs Russell, i would like to have some kind of explanation for the part where you said feel bad at first and for the part where you say ***It was horrible at first, felt like I was dying from the detoxing,*** on your first post ****((actually i have to do a lot of those kind of changes too and would like to know if that
      tremors are part of the side effects that you had at that time… please thank you. ! Sorry for my english my first language is french…;)

    • @Chantal R Hi Chantal, I don’t mind to explain. When you cut out those types of foods it will make you feel badly at first. It causes detox symptoms. I felt very sick for a few weeks. I don’t remember if I had tremors but shakiness is certainly possible. I had nausea, migraines, fatigue, etc. But it was worth it because those foods were doing so much damage to my body. I hope this helps! Please let me know if you have any other questions.

    • I’ve had hashimotos diagnosed for 30 years. No amount of diet changes and restrictions fixed anything for me, and believe me I tried. I do use desiccated thyroid to treat it.

  16. 7 early warning signs of hypothyroidism:
    1. Loss of the outer part of the eyebrows
    2. Thinning, dry hair
    3. Decreased cold tolerance
    4. Slow metabolism
    5. Weight gain all over
    6. Feeling tired
    7. Depression
    8. Other than that youre perfectly fine👌

    What to do for hypothyroidism:
    1. Determine the true cause
    2. Take trace minerals (selenium, zinc, and iodine)
    3. Don’t consume gluten
    4. Take vitamin D (40,000 IU) and *-Thytrophin-** Thyrotrophin PMG* (1 before bed over three months)

    Thank you Dr Berg!! 🐱👍🏿

    • off thing is it seemed to happen from a car accident is that possible 🤔 I was in icu for awhile then when I came home I went from a size 12 to 18/20 I don’t have any clothes I can fit in I Gained a ton of weight seems to get worse every day but because before my car accident I has stomach issues and was diagnosed with celiac the year before the insurance company said it was before but I was I don’t know how to say I was muscle all muscel now im fat so I wore clothes that were bigger because of my chest size but I was tight my body was very toned and now it’s all flab it’s a mess so while it’s 60 pounds more it’s more like feels like 120 because it’s like my muscles have become flab instead

  17. Very informative. Thank you Dr Berg. The part about being proactive is really important. This channel is helping us live our best lives possible. I like that Dr Berg always tries to recommend natural remedies and lifestyle changes.

  18. I have started to give my fresh mushrooms a few hours of sunbathing before cooking them to increase their vitamin D level. Thanks Dr Berg, for imparting so many useful knowledge to us 🙂

    • Only thing I’m a bit concerned about, is that it’s the D2 variant, which isn’t as bioavailable as D3.

    • @Christian Hirose Romeo Graham 廣瀬 グラハム クリスティン 路美男 I just watched a video on this, it still converts and will raise Vit D levels, Vit D3 raises the levels for a longer period of time. The Vit D2 levels will remain just as potent if properly stored and used a year from now. Its easier for the body to absorb nutrients from a natural source and mushrooms are a powerhouse for trace minerals. Today I finished my 2nd day of sunbathing my shitakes. I topped them off in the dehydrator for extra crispness, grinded them into a powder and will use in other dishes for a boost of nutrients. I plan to baste a small turkey and combine the drippings with the powder to make a mushroom gravy 😋

  19. This channel is more important than My Doctor as she seems to have no knowledge of healthcare,I have most of those symptoms but she always recommended me to take PARACETAMOL for all kinda Heath issues how sad is it 🥺THQ Dr. Berg for your daily updates on healthcare, it means a lot to me and also to those who can’t find clear information about their health problems. literally you save us from blindfold medical world!!MAY GOD bless you and your family and have a lovely weekend 🥰

    • ​@TariTheApothecarySSRIs and tricyclic antidepressant depressants are prescribed for pain because research shows the affect the east the brain transmits and recieves pain. Certain types of pain respond well to them, especially pain caused by chronic conditions.

    • Mine is actively hostile toward me ever since 2020.
      Trying to find a dr in my area is pretty challenging.
      She doesn’t listen nor does she think adhd is real.

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