The Best Test to Determine How Long You Will Live
Learn more about aging and how to support longevity!
Ben Patrick Interview: ▶️
Gyrotonic Exercise:
More videos on High Cortisol:
Watch My Other Videos on Longevity:
The Important Nutrient – Longevity Link – Nutritional Deficiency & DNA Damage
How To Prevent Premature Death & Increase Longevity
How to Live Longer – The One Exercise That Makes You Live Longer
0:00 Introduction: How to live longer
1:40 Common signs of aging
2:31 The best test to determine how long you will live
3:58 Home tests for sarcopenia
5:08 How to increase longevity
One of my goals is to help people live longer, quality lives. So, let’s talk about longevity.
Of course there are common signs of aging like wrinkles, gray hair, or loss of hearing. But these aren’t actually good indicators of how old someone is or how long they might live.
I believe the best indicator to determine longevity is muscle strength. As a person ages, they lose muscle mass and strength. There is a strong association between the loss of muscle strength and mortality.
The muscles that are affected first are the anterior thigh muscles (the quadriceps). One test that is used to determine if someone has sarcopenia (muscle atrophy) is the sit-to-stand time test or a chair-to-stand test. You can also try the hand grip strength test.
The best ways to support longevity:
1. Take vitamin D
2. Do resistance-type exercise
3. Consume nutrient-dense foods
4. Do fasting
5. Keep your cortisol low
6. Improve your state of mind
7. Consume an adequate amount of quality protein
8. Take HMB (if you have sarcopenia)
Dr. Eric Berg DC Bio:
Dr. Berg, age 57, is a chiropractor who specializes in Healthy Ketosis & Intermittent Fasting. He is the author of the best-selling book The Healthy Keto Plan, and is the Director of Dr. Berg Nutritionals. He no longer practices, but focuses on health education through social media.
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Dr. Eric Berg received his Doctor of Chiropractic degree from Palmer College of Chiropractic in 1988. His use of “doctor” or “Dr.” in relation to himself solely refers to that degree. Dr. Berg is a licensed chiropractor in Virginia, California, and Louisiana, but he no longer practices chiropractic in any state and does not see patients so he can focus on educating people as a full time activity, yet he maintains an active license. This video is for general informational purposes only. It should not be used to self-diagnose and it is not a substitute for a medical exam, cure, treatment, diagnosis, and prescription or recommendation. It does not create a doctor-patient relationship between Dr. Berg and you. You should not make any change in your health regimen or diet before first consulting a physician and obtaining a medical exam, diagnosis, and recommendation. Always seek the advice of a physician or other qualified health provider with any questions you may have regarding a medical condition.
#keto #ketodiet #weightloss #ketolifestyle
Thanks for watching! I hope this helps you better understand longevity and how to support longevity. I’ll see you in the next video.
Dr. Berg, you saved my life, literally . Since beginning Keto Sept. 29th I am 60 lbs lighter, my 150 to 200 Blood sugar has been in the 80 to 90 range, blood pressure totally normal…edema gone and I feel like new woman…of 71 yrs!! My PCP is amazed as well as my pulmonary doctor… thank you and keep doing what you do, lol. 🤩
My grandmother turned 100 this year. She can still take full care of herself (shower, clothes, eats, cut vegetables, walk, etc.) she stretches everyday (her form of yoga) and basically has fasted her whole life. Many OMAD days. No keto, eats plenty of vegetables and carbs. Is religious. Mentally as sharp as a knife with no memory loss. Very disciplined. Never eats food out of a box. Doing something right!
That is wonderful, wish we could all consume the carbs but coming from a family prone to diabetes it is not possible for me. Your grandmother is an inspiration.
Not being in US- would you please explain what are OMAD days?Tx
@Daniela Hoti One Meal A Day
My grandmother passed at 103 in 2007. She smoked had asthma and she was always surrounded by family who loved her .
We should all be so lucky to live to that age. The history she had seen! I would love to chat with 100+ year olds and listen to what they experienced.
I’m 62. I remember my dad telling me when I was young to take care of my legs… “ you’ll need them more than you think when you get older ..” after my daily stretches and light weight lifts, I end with 3 sets of squats ! Been doing it for 20 years. A game changer!
Squats!? I did that from age 15 to 31, first with only 30, then 60, then 100, then peaked at 500 within 15 minute sessions. Could speed-squat 100 in 1.8 min. Developed rock-hard quadriceps. Finally had to give up that nonsense as I was seriously eroding the cartilage in my (clicking) knees. What I did was crazy! Took me 6 months to rebuild my cartilage after 16 years of damage. But I still do some from time to time, modified versions, while swinging away on my Gazelle (google images of this pedal-type no-motor treadmill). Much easier on the knees to perform swinging squats. And more fun!
I’m 66 and a firm believer in squats – for me light weight and dropping low as I can. My range is 115 to125 lbs, 4 to 5 sets x 10 reps.
It’s amazing what Dr Berg said about vegetable oils and seed oil. I hurt my knee and had constant pain for two years. I quit the oils and it’s been 7 months and knee is healing. I have no more pain. My whole body feels like I am 13 again; even better . I 42 years young. Thank you Dr Berg for changing my life🙉
You should not be having problems at 42 yrs.! If you take care of your body; eat right, sleep, get some exercise, remain active around the house and don’t spend your days sitting on your asz, you’re just getting started with the good part of your life at 40!!!
I’m 63. Been practicing Dr. Bergs ideas for decades. I can do 60 full pushups at one time. 12 full pullups. And can bike 50 miles non stop. And my blood work comes back perfect. On all accounts. I feel like 35! Praise God!
Praise yourself.
Humble yourself
60 pushups with only 12 pull-ups? Mmm…curios imbalance. I can only do 45 pushups but with 20 pull-ups in one set for each. I’m 43 with 220lb weight.
@mark tapley doylem
My dad lived to be 93, his brother was 99. Their parents both lived to be 98 and my great-grandmother was 99. My grandfather was an alcoholic and my father had a sweet tooth. I think my father was right, he always said that longevity is in the genes.
@Sharon Tabor – “And who would want to live that long?” – Living that long is not the goal – the question is, how long will you live in good health.
Longevity is also in what your parents ate and what their parents ate , and what their parents ate.
The health , and lack of health , of your great- great -great- grandparents and ancestors was passed down to you.
Sounds crazy, but the right nutrients will help you repair your genes. Your body knows what your genes are supposed to look like.
What kind of genes did he wear? Denim cutoffs or ????
@Cenot4ph Exactly it is also a cop out for many.. “nothing I can do about it no one in my family lived long” Twin studies have also proved it
That is interesting. I looked it up, & if I saw the same study, it was on Norwegians a few hundred years ago. According to the study the difference was about 5 years. That gives me hope that it can be influenced. 🙂
Great information Dr.Berg! I am 65 yrs. This past Sunday at church I told my new friend my age and she couldn’t believe it. She thought I was 10 yrs younger. I have lowered my carbs and has helped with reducing inflammation. I also exercise 3 x a week, walk, dance.
Great video how do you lover cortozol is this activated by stress ?
My mom lived to 86. She died from ovarian cancer. My dad lived to 97. Passed from pneumonia. My mom always said she would rather wear out than rust out. I can still hear her saying, “ Get up and start moving around. You’ll feel better.” She was still driving from Minnesota to Arizona and back every year at eighty four. Dad stopped driving when his eyesight started to go. Nothing serious, he just didn’t think a seventy five year old man with cataracts should drive. Mom still had twenty-twenty when she passed. They were the most in love couple I have ever seen in all my sixty-five years.
Wear out yes I just finished pulling a tire 1 mile about 35 lbs at 67 and I’m just a beginner
That’s back then. Now a days the average lifespan is 64yrs old
El Salvador
My neighbor is 96 in great health and we asked him, what he thinks the secret was and he said he walks every day.
My mother was overweight, ate mostly the carbs, lived happily until 92, in a good condition mentally and physically. Always smiling and helping those around her.
@David Houston Wish that would have been me. I quit at 42, at 58 had to have a double lung transplant.
My dad is mid 70s .. treated his body like crap (alcoholic, over weight) .. has no health problems but a great attitude. I feel attitude is a huge part!!!
Like my Grandmother:-)
My dad died this morning. He was 81. He lived a clean life. His father drank like a fish and smoked like a chimney, and he lived to 87. I was dong great until I broke my ankle in three places last April. Today I had my meniscus operated on and I’m in pain. I have extreme pain in that ankle. I was in perfect form for 58, but now I feel 88. I hope I catch back up after I heal up.
I am sorry all this happened to you but my question to you is how are you on social media the day your dad died and you’re having surgery, just asking?
Ursula, at home, recovering from surgery. Not sure why that’s not obvious. I was not tired to sleep but need to be lying down, so I was watching You Tube. My dad and family knew two days prior that I had to go ahead with this surgery. I made it to his town several times in days prior and three days after my surgery. And I was in constant contact with my mom, brothers, and sisters. The funeral was lovely, and I managed to be dressed to the nines, although I had a surgical bandage on my right leg from thigh to calf. It’s now 6 weeks later, and I’m happy to report that after 8 months since my accident, I am finally feeling better most of the time, although I expect to have ankle pain for at least two years. It’s worse some days, but it’s never as bad as this awful fatigue I have felt for months (which is improved). Someone in the thread mention Dr Bergman. I used to follow Berg, Berry, and Bergman religiously. I faded off, but I am back to trying to eat less carb and more natural foods. Living in America, it’s rough. Seems as if there is a carb in our view every second of every day. And the nighttime munchies is real, like an addiction, well maybe it is an addiction. I have two more tests before 2022 is out, a sleep test and a kidney sonogram. But to be feeling better is excellent. I’m sad about the passing of my dad for sure, but I do feel that at age 58, I didn’t rely on his wisdom as much as I had when I was younger, but my husband and he were great friends (my hubs is much older than I am, so he and dad were similar ages), so we will totally miss out on that “two couples” friendship we enjoyed. I think this whole video was about being able to jump up from a chair. That’s my mother. Age 82, slim as a rail, energetic as a bunny, and popping up from a chair. She might outlive me!😂I’m working on this same thing. I need to lose a few pounds because I carry my weight in my waist area, which makes hopping up more difficult. When I was 20 pounds lighter (after losing on keto diet), I could hop up like that, but keto was really hard on me. My client (I spend 12 hour shifts at a woman’s home as a caregiver) and I actually practice IF. This works quite well for both of us, although I need to study it further for full benefit.
Sorry for your loss. I wish you well dear.
So sorry for your loss! I was doing great till I broke my ankle after a slip on the stairs. Haven’t been the same since. Surgery, pins, etc. Grace to you as you grieve your dad, and I’m looking into Pilates and Girotonics.
I’m 69, almost 70. I started riding a bicycle about 15 years ago. I can ride for 30 to 35 miles in around 2 hours. I try to do this every other day. Getting up off the floor,no problem. I highly recommend taking up cycling if possible. It has helped my overall health immensely.
@Dmarie I’m so fortunate to live in Tucson Arizona where we have over 100 miles of car free bike routes.
Get a bike should be a doctors/physiotherapists answer to must problems. Physical and mental.
Lmfao 30-35 miles in 2 hours, sureeeeee
@Day 1 It’s easy because I cheat with an peddle assisted e-bike. A Trek Domane + to be exact.
I’m 67 and am still able to sit on the floor and quickly rise to my feet with no assistance or changing position. However, I have arthritis in my neck & upper extremities. I had a shoulder replacement a couple of years ago and regained nearly full range of motion except in reaching behind to my mid-back. And that still continues to improve! All in all, I can still keep up with the younger generations, lol! Okay, I need a nap sometimes, but they do, too! I AM being super-careful with ladders and climbing around in potentially dangerous places.
We all need a nap sometimes 😂 doesn’t matter our age.
Great! Joint replacements have become something amazing. I watched my grandmother go from wheelchair bound to walking the neighborhood after dual knee replacement.
and the irradiated foods getting about could be leaving many of us tired for what appears to be no valid reason…dead food creates problems
@MamaMonkey2008 I’m 45 had one during my lunch break today 😅
lemme know if youd like me to pray over you
Once again Dr. Berg gives another eye opener video in how to achieve Longevity……many of us lose some of the functions he describes, in my case my eyesight is getting little blurred, but vitamins and supplements are improving and stopping my eyesight to gone worse….Thank you Dr.Berg for doing all the research and sharing your knowledge with us…Blessings to you and your Family Always…
Hello, could you share about vitamins and supplements. Please ❤
Yes what vitamins?
The fact that we get free videos on YouTube by Doctor Berg is truly a gift. 👍👍👍
Absolutely Love this Man ❤️🙏
He’s literally just a person on YouTube. You have no idea if he’s a doctor. Or even medically trained. And even if he is, a Dr of what? He’s just monetising feel good health advice. Go for a good walk , you’ll feel better
Not free … no no
@CV Jones I was just going to say that.
@Dharma Bum Well, it’s logical and most of it is collaborated. When it comes to my (our) pill pushers (physicians) who knows what’s good or bad coming from them? A lot of it starts with ourselves getting educated and learning.
I’m 55, a black belt/boxer and I am as fast as ever. I started IF and healthy keto a couple years ago thanks to Dr Berg and feel 35. I can walk for an hour or two at a fast clip easily. Month I turned 55 I walked 30 miles a week to prove to myself I could do it. I also lift with dumbbells 3 or 4 times a week. 40-45 I got fat and out of shape and felt horrible, and old, not going back to that. Its hard work to be fat. I also never liked drinking at all, got bored with it in my late 20’s and HATED hangovers, I just do not understand booze culture and how people can drink every damn day. Its crazy to me.
Same! I took Prince seriously and partied like it was 1999 in 1999. Then in 2000 I quit party drinking…hangovers are just not worth it!
I’m 66 and I walked 29 miles 2 months ago.
I am a follower of omad and fasting, a la Dr. Berg.
Think you just said that to the wrong person
@Michael Schwartz Maybe but I do not see any replies to you. So maybe a comment I made was removed. This was 3 months ago so who knows. If I said something disparaging towards you I am sorry.
If your muscles are as big as your ego, you’ll live forever.
Dad was a competitive marathon runner into his sixties , until knees failed. He transitioned to concept two rowing and was elite into his eighties. The man was steadfast about a healthy balanced diet his whole life with the addition of strength training and flexibility measures… not to mention his positive attitude was unwaivering. Shoot the man could do 20 L pullups at 81 and was solid as stone. He went for eye checkup ,. was back at home 6 days later , passed week after! Sometimes it’s just no up to u. ❤️
I don’t understand, he went for an eye checkup came home 6 days later?
Please clarify a disconnect in your story. How the eye check up could relate to the death? What was the cause of death and the age? Did MDs kill him using some type of (eye) surgery?
Did he get vaxx in nated?
Eye check up?
Hebrews 9:27
King James Version
27 And as it is appointed unto men once to die, but after this the judgment:
My grandmother died in her 101 year. Secret to that? Probably healthy food with no additives – she never ate anything coming form any package, and she was physically active, talking to friends neighbors and family every day. Being outside every day with clean air in the countryside. No yoga etc and no keto obviously. Eating food that is in seasons, pickles in winter in particular (cabbages etc). One thing you couldn’t make her take ever: medicine, pills. Never ever. Never went to a doctor. Or should I write “doctor” and “medicine”?
@Rahul R I love cabbage, raw and cooked. I will live to 107.
@WaggitnShaggit I don’t understand what you’re saying. Did you leave out a word?
Sounds like my Grandma who lived to 95.
Watch My Other Videos on Longevity:
The Important Nutrient – Longevity Link – Nutritional Deficiency & DNA Damage
How To Prevent Premature Death & Increase Longevity – Part 1
How to Live Longer – The One Exercise That Makes You Live Longer
Egad. WHY would I want to know that ! ? ? ? ?
There are genetic factors in longetivity. My wife and I come from lineage that has extreme longevity. We are very young 63 yr olds, and our friend are very young geriatrics. However, we know people who are 60 and old. I am still a power walker, hiker, and general athlete. My wife is a water aerobics queen. I have told my children, already entering middle age, that if they live a good lifestyle, they will likely live to beyond 100. Some things just happen due to age. Some are genetic. Some are environmental. Some are lifestyle choice. Personally, I don’t want to live one minute longer than I am able to enjoy life and take care of myself. After that, you’re just waiting to die.
Trust me your keto diet isn’t the answer to longevity. You will see that I am right. Just remember what I said when you realize it some day.
Dr. Berg..I’m 72 and had a liver transplant 28 years ago. I stopped taking my anti rejection drugs over 10 years ago.I’m in the very good shape. I can sports like I did in my 20’s and everyone says I look younger than I did even 10 years ago. I’m a vegetarian and have been for some years but eat a lot of eggs. My donor was a young man 25 years younger than me. Do you think that this may have something to do with my younger look and feel? In my 40’s I was like a very old man..and was told on Aug. 1 1995 that I had less than a week to live. So happy to be in this good shape at this point in my life…I won’t go into the spiritual aspects of this but I believe that is a factor as well.