How to Wake Up Refreshed Every Morning – Inadequate Sleep – Dr.Berg on Melatonin and Sleep

How to Wake Up Refreshed Every Morning – Inadequate Sleep – Dr. Berg on Melatonin and Sleep. Don’t wake up feeling your best? Here’s how to feel refreshed every morning! In this video, I want to talk about how you can wake up refreshed every morning. When you wake up, do you feel: • Grouchy • Irritable • Tired • Exhausted If so, this video is for you. The best indication of whether you’re well-rested or not is how you feel when you wake up in the morning and how you feel throughout the day. The most important factor in quality sleep and waking up feeling refreshed is the sleep hormone called melatonin. Melatonin is triggered when you aren’t exposed to light. When it’s dark at night, and less light is shining into your eye, it activates the pineal gland, which then turns serotonin into melatonin. This makes you tired. Any light source can potentially turn off the pineal gland and melatonin production. Melatonin is also vitally important for your immune system. Melatonin has numerous other functions as well. It’s used as an antioxidant, which helps prevent free-radicle damage. The problem with taking melatonin supplements is that your body then makes less of it. It’s not a fix to your problems. As you age, your melatonin decreases. This can cause poor sleep and immune function as you get older. It can also cause inflammation in the body. 10-11 pm is a good time to go to bed. This is how you can enhance melatonin production before bed: 1. Lights out before bed 2. Water filter for removing fluoride 3. Glycine 4. Reduce blue light exposure 5. Get sun and vitamin D during the day 6. Lower stress, caffeine, and alcohol 7. Keep your bedroom cool 8. Avoid EMFs Talk to a Product Advisor to find the best product for you! Call 1-540-299-1556 with your questions about Dr. Berg's products. Product Advisors are available Monday through Friday 8am-6pm and Saturday 9am-5pm EST. * At this time, we no longer offer Keto Consulting and our Product Advisors will only be advising on which product is best for you and advise on how to take them. Disclaimer: Dr. Eric Berg received his Doctor of Chiropractic degree from Palmer College of Chiropractic in 1988. His use of “doctor” or “Dr.” in relation to himself solely refers to that degree. Dr. Berg is a licensed chiropractor in Virginia, California, and Louisiana, but he no longer practices chiropractic in any state and does not see patients so he can focus on educating people as a full time activity, yet he maintains an active license. This video is for general informational purposes only. It should not be used to self-diagnose and it is not a substitute for a medical exam, cure, treatment, diagnosis, and prescription or recommendation. It does not create a doctor-patient relationship between Dr. Berg and you. You should not make any change in your health regimen or diet before first consulting a physician and obtaining a medical exam, diagnosis, and recommendation. Always seek the advice of a physician or other qualified health provider with any questions you may have regarding a medical condition. Thanks for watching. I hope this video helps you wake up feeling refreshed every morning.


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  1. Dr Berg as a clinician myself I think your explanation for different symptoms are amazing ! I would often wonder about these connections between symptoms and patterns. However with everything you say now connects the dots for me so clearly eg. Why is it sleep deprivation reduces your immune function- I always thought it was due to adrenal fatigue wtc. Thank you !

  2. Omg, why I didn’t watch this before!! Lately I always feel tired after woke up. I realize that I spend my 1-hour-before-bed on my laptop and smartphone. Thank you Dr. Berg!!

  3. I started to think I might be a weirdo for instinctively disconnecting all electrical devices in my bedroom but this video showed me why I do what I do. It really does help.

    • My grandma would do that every night and I think she said it was to reduce the electrical bill. Either way she was smart for doing that now I will definitely do it too.

  4. OKAY, I changed my bed position and now I do not sleep near any plug point nor have any electronic devices near me (Atleast 4 feet) and I can see instant change when I wake up. I feel refreshed ( as compared to before) and not at all moody. Thanks a ton! You changed my life for good doc!

  5. As a sleep technologist, this is great information. Sleep apnea and other disorders are killing us slowly. Treating any possible sleep apnea is going to be a game changer, along with this great information. I don’t sleep as I should be sleeping all the time, and I have bad habits as well, because, well, life happens right? But start taking little baby steps to start these practices and watch things improve. Awesome

  6. Two days ago I started keto. Before I started the keto diet, I had an extremely hard time focusing and I would wake up tired. After starting keto yesterday, I felt amazing this morning. I actually missed some hours of sleep, but there’s so much clarity in my brain now! I can’t believe my body’s response to this. I highly recommend college students to do the keto diet. I’m in college and I know this is going to help me a lot.

  7. I feel great every morning since I started OMAD, I do my meal at 5-6pm window and try to be in bed before 10am this way next morning at around 7am I’m fully awaken and feeling great.

  8. Since I started Keto I have been really resting in my sleep. Before that I would wake up so tired. Now I wake up and I am on top of the world. Thanks Doc 💜💜

    • @Lori Huff I used to feel the same way on Keto. But in one of Dr. Berg’s videos, he said to make sure you get plenty of potassium while doing Leto.

      So I began taking a calcium/magnesium/potassium supplement every day.

      It worked. Now I not only have plenty of energy while doing keto, I also do not get calf cramps at night like I used to.

  9. As always informative and to the point, most importantly easy to understand and practical. 🙂

    Thank you, Dr. Berg and thank you for your work!

  10. Ridiculously informative! Thank you so much for making this video! 🙏🏽
    One thing is to learn by what people say, another is to learn by what people prove to you and you using the EMF reader was the selling point for me.

  11. This is excellent Dr. Berg! EMFs, MFs, radio waves, cell phone towers and cell phone are a building health nightmare that we all don’t want to face, however it’s not just a potential problem but it’s already happening! My sister, ( a US doc for 30+ years) is seeing a bizarre increase in cancers and tumours, particularly of the brain, in people of much younger age than before. Germany has funded many good research projects on this. I wish you make a video focusing on each type and how people can reduce the impact in their environment.

  12. Bedtime: 10 – 11 pm
    Sleep in a dark room
    Don’t drink water with Fluoride
    Reduce Blue Light from Cell Phones and Computers
    Get Sun/Vitamin D
    Decrease Stress
    No caffeine after 2 pm
    No alcohol
    Sleep in a colder room
    EMF – turn off phones, unplug or switch off plugs at outlets,
    Get battery operated clock
    No waterbeds
    No heating pads
    No electric blanket

  13. Pistachios have helped me food-wise with my melatonin (15-20nuts/day). Mostly, I had a cortisol spike that sent me into panic attacks around 8-11am, but Valerian Root & Holy Basil has helped that. Thank you for the info Dr. Berg!

    • We’re made in HIS image. HE made us with the power of free choice
      A good prayer:
      I’m a sinner JESUS please forgive me for all my sins I know you shed your Blood for me on the cross at Calvary. Thank you JESUS for my salvation and for shedding they Blood for me. I love you JESUS.
      Romans 10:5/10 ct…❤️k
      If you’d like to call someone who cares
      bc you don’t know when you’ll die?
      .y r u hesitant. .. …. .. . .

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